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Beware of the Bradford Pear

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These outstanding trees are blooming now and are one of the showiest trees in the spring landscape.  Bradford Pears should be sold with a label that reads "WARNING - This tree will self destruct". 

The pear has a branch structure that eventually forces the limbs to grow against each other and split the tree.  Nobody can predict with certainty when they will split but EVERY Bradford Pear will eventually fall apart. 

This usually occurs before the tree reaches the old age of 15 years and it almost always comes down in groups of large very heavy limbs.  We have removed Bradford Pear limbs from buildings and cars on many occasions. 

Knowing the tree is going to fall and possibly could cause property damage or personal injury, you may wish to consider removing Bradford Pears before the branches get especially weak.  There are many other spring flowering trees and shrubs that are a safer choice.

Contact us today for more information or to speak with one of our landscape maintenance experts about removing Bradford Pears!
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P.O. Box 45, Gainesville, GA 30503. Tel: (770) 536-5044
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